
الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2011

85 Python programming books - ISO Disc

85 Python programming books - ISO Disc | 524 mb
pdf | chm | eng| 85 ebook

| |-- _PDF search index rebuilder_.bpdx
| |-- _PDF search index_.pdx
| |-- A Byte of Python, v1.20 (for Python 2.x) (2005).pdf
| |-- A Byte of Python, v1.92 (for Python 3.0) (2009).pdf
| |-- A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Python Language (2009).pdf
| |-- A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (2009).pdf
| |-- Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame - From Novice to Professional (2007).pdf
| |-- Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional, Second Edition (2008).pdf
| |-- Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 (2010).pdf
| |-- Beginning Python (2005).pdf
| |-- Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts (2009).pdf
| |-- Bioinformatics Programming Using Python, First Edition (2009).pdf
| |-- CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Application Development (2007).pdf
| |-- Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006).chm
| |-- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python (2003).chm
| |-- Dive Into Python 3, r870 (2010).pdf
| |-- Expert Python Programming (2008).pdf
| |-- Foundations of Agile Python Development (2008).pdf
| |-- Foundations of Python Network Programming (2004).djvu
| |-- Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby (2003).chm
| |-- Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby (2003).pdf
| |-- Getting Started with Pyparsing (2007).pdf
| |-- Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers (2009).pdf
| |-- GUI Programming with Python - QT Edition (2002).chm
| |-- Guide to NumPy (for Python) (2006).pdf
| |-- Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners, Fourth printing (2009).pdf
| |-- Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2008).pdf
| |-- IronPython in Action (2009).pdf
| |-- Jython For Java Programmers, First Edition (2001).chm
| |-- Learning Python, Fourth Edition (2009).pdf
| |-- Learning to Program - Python (2006).pdf
| |-- Making Use of Python (2002).pdf
| |-- Matplotlib for Python Developers (2009).pdf
| |-- Mobile Python - Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform (2007).pdf
| |-- Natural Language Processing with Python (2009).pdf
| |-- Next-Generation Web Frameworks in Python (2007).chm
| |-- Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python (2005).pdf
| |-- password.txt
| |-- Perl To Python Migration (2001).chm
| |-- Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python, v.2009-5-6 (2009).pdf
| |-- Pro IronPython (2009).pdf
| |-- Professional Python Frameworks - Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears (2007).pdf
| |-- Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, Second Edition (2010).pdf
| |-- Programming Python, 3rd Edition (2006).chm
| |-- Python - Create-Modify-Reuse (2008).pdf
| |-- Python - How to Program, 1e (2002).pdf
| |-- Python - Visual QuickStart Guide (2001).chm
| |-- Python & XML - XML Processing with Python, First Edition (2002).pdf
| |-- Python 2.1 Bible (2001).pdf
| |-- Python 2.6 Quick Reference (Letter) (2009).pdf
| |-- Python 3 for Absolute Beginners (2009).pdf
| |-- Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition (2005).chm
| |-- Python Cookbook, 2nd Edition (2005).pdf
| |-- Python Developer's Handbook, First Edition (2000).pdf
| |-- Python Essential Reference, Fourth Edition (2009).pdf
| |-- Python for Dummies (2006).pdf
| |-- Python for Software Design - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (2009).pdf
| |-- Python for Unix and Linux System Administration (2008).pdf
| |-- Python in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition (2006).chm
| |-- Python Phrasebook - Essential Code and Commands (2006).chm
| |-- Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition (2009).pdf
| |-- Python Power - The Comprehensive Guide (2008).pdf
| |-- Python Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science - v1.0rc2 (2002).pdf
| |-- Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2003).chm
| |-- Python Programming on Win32, First Edition (2000).chm
| |-- Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries - A Tutorial for Building Web and Enterprise Applications w..
| |-- Python Scripting for Computational Science, Third Edition (2008).pdf
| |-- Python Testing - Beginner's Guide (2010).pdf
| |-- Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt - The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming (2008).pdf
| |-- Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears - Using Python to Create Ajax-Powered Sites (2006).chm
| |-- Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2, linux-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf
| |-- Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2, mac-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf
| |-- Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 2, win-v0.7.2 (2007).pdf
| |-- Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 3, linux-v0.7.7 (2007).pdf
| |-- Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 3, mac-v0.7.7 (2007).pdf
| |-- Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program with Python 3, win-v0.7.7 (2007).pdf
| |-- Starting Out with Python (2009).pdf
| |-- Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours (2000).chm
| |-- Text Processing in Python (2003).chm
| |-- The Definitive Guide to Jython - Python for the Java Platform (2010).pdf
| |-- The Quick Python Book, Second Edition (2010).pdf
| |-- Think Python - An Introduction to Software Design, v1.1.19 (2008).pdf
| |-- Thinking in Tkinter (2005).html
| |-- Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf
| |-- Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010).pdf
| |-- Twisted Network Programming Essentials - Event-driven Network Programming with Python (2005).chm
| |-- wxPython in Action (2006).pdf
| |-- XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP (2002).pdf
| |-- D:\Keosoft90\85.Python.programming.books.May.2010\_PDF search index_
| | |-- index.idx
| | |-- index1.idx
| |-- D:\Keosoft90\85.Python.programming.books.May.2010\Reference cards
| | |-- PEP-8 Cheatsheet (2009).pdf
| | |-- Python 2.4 Quick Reference Card (Letter) (2007).pdf
| | |-- Python 2.5 Reference Card (2009).pdf
| | |-- Python 2.6 Cheatsheet (2008).pdf
| | |-- Python 2.6 Quick Reference (Letter) (2009).pdf
| | |-- Python Cheat Sheet (2009).pdf

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